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Monday, September 6, 2010

Gag Reflex Pasta >: |

I am so not a picky eater. As you've prolly noticed, most of my reviews describe the foods as "awesome!!" I can appreciate almost all types and I'm not even that elitest, so it takes work for me to dislike a food. Congrats Pascucci on State St. in downtown Santa Barbara, you did it.

My road trip was pretty sporadic, so we didn't really make plans for much. After arriving, we hit the beach for awhile, enjoyed the scenery and freshened up at the hotel. We heard that State Street was the hott place to be, so we headed out. By this time it was around 8 on a Sunday, so we figured we'd be ok. NOPE! I think it was like UCSB back to school weekend. SO MANY PARENTS AND KIDS! Most of the places down there were getting $$$ and $$$$ yelp reviews, so we were a bit limited in selection. We put our name down at 3 or 4 places before finally ending up at this Italian place, Pascucci. I was starving and excited. It was cute inside, very fake but cute. They started us off with garlic cheese bread! Ok, great so far! I excitedly saw a pumpkin and squash ravioli dish and was decided.

Little known fact- I don't actually eat out THATTT much. I try to bring frozen dinners to work everyday to save money and calories. One of my favs is Lean Cuisine squash ravioli, so I figured a nice restaraunt would rts. >: |

It finally arrived and I excitedly bit in. I was punched in the face with a stronggg pumpkin taste that was followed up by cinnamon. Weird. Ok, keep going. By the time I had finished my second ravioli I started feeling nauseous. This thing was sooo strong. And with some flavor that just tasted off. It had a strong cinnamon and some other spice after taste that destroyed me. And not in like a fun pumpkin pie way, in like, I just ate a rancid rotting gourd way. 

Turns out Eugi was hating his salmon bowtie pasta as well. There was just an off flavor about the whole dish, and the salmon was so ridiculously smoked tasting that it kind of permeated the taste of the whole entree. We were so disgusted that we asked for the check after 5 mins. Didn't even want to bother complaining (mainly cuz it was almost 9 at this point, and I was concerned that the Yogurtland that I'd seen a few blocks down would be closing). Thankfully Yogurtland was open till 11, and so I had a most delicious froyo for dinner :D. They even brought back pumpkin pie flavored, so I had a sweet and satiating squash experience to carry me through the night. 

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