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Friday, March 4, 2011

Sushi Shaped like a Caterpillar

For this week's dinner with dad, I wanted to keep it local, so we ended up in the thriving college town of Belmont. Even though we had the crazy classy sushi experience at Sakae last week, my dad and I are addicted to Japanese food, so we decided to hit up Sushi Monster. I am always amazed by the amount of sushi restaurants in the 10 mile radius of EA, I have been actively trying to visit them all since I started, and every time I Yelp I find like 5 more I haven't heard of.

I arrived first and sat down. As it was a Wednesday, it wasn't too crowded. I immediately noticed the adorable blue monster mascot :). The other cool thing was that the menus were placed under the glass on the tables and were covered in pictures. The main reason I chose this place was because I noticed how cute and thematic their rolls were. Not only were they are delicious looking, but some (caterpillar, godzilla, dragon) were actually shaped like their names! It reminded me of the plastic foods in Japan :)

shrimp lovers roll, daniel roll
There are two ladies that run the place, and it was semi-awkward at first. I'm sick again (BLARG!!!!) and so when  I got there I randomly broke in to a mini-coughing fit. I basically just needed a drink, and for the first 5-10 mins they weren't coming over to serve me :(. They knew I was waiting for one more... but still haha, it sucked and I think I was grossing out the family next to me. Finally the waitress came over and I was able to get a water + diet coke. I was really impressed that the diet coke was fountain/refillable, that's pretty much unheard of at Japanese places.

lion king roll
I had already picked the rolls by the time my dad got there. We had to get back to our highly american roots and get: shrimp lover's roll (what it sounds like), lion king roll (mmmm my fav roll :D cali + fried + sauce + baked salmon on top), caterpillar roll (too cute to not order), and daniel roll (for eugi! fried fish + cream cheese). 

caterpillar roll! note the antennae
So I'm going to be totally honest here, I don't really know if they were good or not. They looked good, and I ate a ton... but being sick I couldn't actually taste anything :(. My dad seemed to enjoy, so I will give this place the benefit of the doubt and say it was totally amazingly awesome :). Either way, I had fun


  1. haha thats disgusting :p

    But i feel your pain about the coughing. That happened to me at Wingers and it took the stupid server 10 minutes to bring me more water. Wasn't happy about that....

  2. I need to go to sushi with you sometime. You sound like you eat a lot of the more cooked foods. haha.
