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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Food in the Patio of the States

Over a year ago, Lorenzo told me of a magical baked good found in his homeland of Texas, strawberry cream filled churros. Since then, I have long yearned to try the lone star delicacy. Lucky for me, GameStop decided to move their manager's conference to San Antonio from its previous locale of Vegas!

For some reason, my checkin at the Hyatt took forever so I got to chat up the workers. I told them of my mission and they thought I was some combination of crazy and hilarious, so they pointed me to their favorite local mexican bakery, Mi Tierra.

A mile each way in the humid heat, and i found the place. As cool as the Riverwalk seemed, I'm always glad to get out of the tourist centers. When I got in this place people were hardcore staring at my teal hair and pink sequined True Religion jeans, a good sign of local-ness. I am a big enthusiast of the San Antonio decor, very mexican inspired with lots of bright colors and sombreros! (I just wish they all played the mexican hat dance like my salsa bowl back in utah.....)
The entrance to this place was no exception.

I was super excited to enter and find a ticket dispenser. Growing up in Utah, it was sadly rare to go to a place that had one (chains don't normally have such novelties), but I have fond memories of using them back in the good ole days of ZCMI and their in-store bakery :). Man, I wish I was 5. 
Luckily there was a bit of a line because I was overwhelmed with the selection. As much of a baked good officienado as I am, I actually am quite incompetant with mexican pastries. Beyond my and Damien's forever joke of the Holiday concha bread, I have no idea what's what. So that means I had to buy a lot <:D. I had already ordered three items before I realized I had forgotten the churro I quested so wholly for. Turns out they only serve them on weekends anyways, so no loss. Plus, let's be honest, I've been to xooro.... anything will be underwhelming after that!! (guess that should be my next back blog)
one of three sections of baked awesomeness!
fresh tortillas <3
I ended up getting a toasted coconut cookie, a caramel empanada, and a tres leches cake. Since I hadn't eaten, I also grabbed some enchiladas to go. 20 mins, a whole lot of sweat, and a melting food bag later, I was in my hotel and ready to pig out. The enchiladas were good, definitely authentic tasting. The highlight was the pile of 4 fresh tortillas they included :) eating tortillas makes me think of Disneyland and the Mission Factory <3

I'm proud that this was all I bought
On to the important part, DESSERT!!! I started out with innocent intents, I'd try a little of each, and save the rest for dessert/my 6 am flight tomorrow. Ha.

I started with tres leches since I had been craving that lately. Holy. Freaking. Crap. it was so so sooooo good. I think there were at least 2 cans of condensed milk alone in that thing... and the fruit was so fresh and juicy :) :) :) eeeeeek. So I  started planning on eating 1/4, to 1/2 to... yeah. I ate the whole freaking cake.
Look at the ridic amount of leches oozing from the cake. it's totally consuming the fork. SO GOOD
In my very limited defense, I was having some hardcore work crises. Of course this is normal with my job, but being Sharon, I tend to freak out. Luckily I am a simple creature and can only freak out about one thing at a time. I also stress eat with the best. Combine the two and we have me eating the entire cake in a sitting. The good news was that once I was stressing about how hugefat and sick I was from eating it all, I was able to approach my work with a clear and logical mind and block some of the shiz from hitting the fan.

I have since sampled the other items. Both were quite tasty but overly sweet. Not sure if that's typical of mexican baked fare. Either way, it ended my San Antonio food adventures. I can only consume so much.

Back to the Bay in the morn!

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