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Monday, April 4, 2011

S'MACed Down

Mac & cheese is totally one of my very favorite foods, and one that I pick restaurants especially for. I was overjoyed when a few months ago I read that a new, all mac & cheese place was opening up in Oaktown. Unfortunately, crossing the Bay Bridge is such a pain in the butt, it took me a couple months to drag my @$$ over there... but finally! on Friday night I hit up Homeroom.

trailer mac w/ hot dogs and chips
Homeroom is a restaurant completely dedicated to the delicious pasta concoction. I have been to a similar restaurant, S'MAC, in NYC and completely loved it, so I had high expectations for the awesomeness of the dinner. What I liked most about S'MAC was the tremendous variety of pastas, and the bold seasonings. Even though it was all macaroni and cheese, they did an amazing job with spicing. I think I ordered the Masala which was very Indian delicious. I also loved that they came in adorable little frying pans <3

vermont white cheddar
As I said, high expectations going in. Homeroom is cute and tried to be themed like a school room. It was actually pretty spacious and parking was quite easy. The menus are on brown paper, and there are even instructions of how to make them in to paper airplanes on the back. There aren't THAT many flavors of m&c, but I was still intrigued by several. Unfortunately, it was Friday so I couldn't order the hot dog & potato chip infused "trailer mac"... but luckily Carlos was along and nice enough to order it for me. Eugi got a swanky goat cheese version, and I tried the "creamiest" Vermont cheddar.
fancy cheese
The servings were a decent size, too big for me to finish. I tried the non-meat part of Carlos's before I think he even did :). It tasted very hot-dog-ey, but the potato chip crumble wasn't as loud of a flavor as I was hoping for. Mine was decent, but kind of bland. I definitely enjoyed the taste and it was quite creamy, but it didn't even seem as good to me as Annie's version of the same product. There really wasn't anything unique about it. Eugi's was a bit too much for me. I am a cheese lover, but I can't do too much strong weird cheese. I also wasn't the biggest fan of the noodles in any of the dishes. They were very large and thick. I much prefer mini-noodles.

All-in-all, it was a decent meal.... just not as good as I hoped/expected. I think they have an awesome concept, they just need to spend some time honing the menu and really making it stand-out.

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