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Friday, April 15, 2011

Sharon's Super Baked Specialty!

happy last BGM!
I made my fame at EA by being the BGM (baked goods Monday) girl, but long before that, I was known for one very special dish: Fruit Pizza. I feel terrible taking the credit for this amazing creation because I totally learned it from Chelsie back in the days of high school debate. We once had to present a "how-to" demonstration to our peers... this fortuitous assignment is where she brought the delicacy to my life. In the following couple years, the two of us made a plethora of these delicious dessert pizzas. In 2005 when I first got my FB account, my pension for photographing fruit pizzas quickly spread the concept to my new friends who all wanted to be a part of the magic
For some reason that probably revolved around expense and perishability, I had never brought one for BGM at EA. Since last week was my last, I thought it would be appropriate to go out with a bang... so I brought personal (aka cupcake format) fruit pizzas :)
crusts for filling

Fruit pizzas are pretty simple to make. I generally prepare them in giant cookie sheets, but pretty much any pan will work. All you need is: 2 tubes of sugar cookie dough, 2 pks cream cheese, powdered sugar, and as much delicious fruit as you can afford. Prep is rather easy as well... spread the cookie dough like a crust and cook it until it's just barely done. Mix a sauce of cream cheese, powdered sugar, and a pinch of fruit juice for flavoring. Spread. Artistically apply chopped fruit. Done. :)
final product :)

Super simple but the results are always magical. For some reason the flavors just combine so perfectly in to the tastiest dessert ever. It is crazy addicting and because of the fruit, you try to convince yourself that it's healthy. It's not. I don't have much more to say about it beyond it's like the greatest dessert on earth, and everyone should try. Enjoy!!

My gallery of fruit pizzas throughout the years :) many friends, much fun 

possibly the prettiest fruit pizza ever! (summer 2005)
Calley and I attempt to make one... so much fail (March 2006)
a bright and summery fruit pizza! (July 2006)
Stacie finally gets to make one with me :) (December 2007)


  1. I feel so honored to have a picture on your blog! Yay for fruit pizzas. Mmm.

  2. AWWWW. Next time you are here we are having a fruit pizza reunion
