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Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun at the Apple Farm

ROAD TRIP!!! Eugi and I decided to celebrate the long weekend by making a 1.5 day road trip to Santa Barbara. It's always a dangerous line to walk figuring out where to stop for food on the road. You don't want to end up at a chain, but at the same time you don't want to go to some crap-ass random diner in the middle of nowhere. Also! It's hard to know when to stop, cuz you don't want to waste your intake on a truck stop if a fun town is on its way, but then you don't wanna be 3 hours with nothing :S:S:S. We lucked out this time, and guessed perfectly to stop @ the billboard advertised Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo. 

From the outside, this place appears tiny. Once you enter you realize it's actual a huge place, kitschy country store included :). rock on!! We got seated in the furthest of four wings of the restaurant. Each one had it's own cottagey feel. I totally wish I had come here when I was 8. The menu was massive and dinerey, but I immediately eyed "potato pancakes." I've never had those before, nor did I know what it meant... it seemed like the perfect breakfast/lunch fusion. Well played Sharon :D. They were AWESOME!! It reminded me a lot of a Chinese green onion pancake. The texture was like a normal pancake, but the flavor was much more savory with a hint of like, onion? chive? iono, it was good though! It came with sour cream spread, mmm. 

Eugi ended up getting mac + cheese, my second choice, so we split half and half. It was also quite tasty, baked and crispy, but not quite as stand out :O as the potato pancakes. Either way I was mucho satisfied. 

baked mac and fruit
Since I'm still a kid at heart, I had to buy a couple of the specialty flavored candy cane sticks. They totally remind me of being young and going special stores with my mom :). The one I had was kind of gross and melted to the wrapper, but I don't regret dishing out 20 cents purely for nostalgia.
nostalgia flavored candy sticks
P.S. Does anyone have recommends for more places I can try potato pancakes?? Totally loved them :D I tried to look it up on Wikipedia on my phone on the drive back, but it was kind of a fail. It called them "Latka" and then informed me for information on "Latka Gravas" I needed to click thru to a diff page. If there is one thing that will distract me in to laughter fits, it's unexpected Taxi allusions. How can I do research after that?!?!

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